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Instructor in Russian

Michigan State University - East Lansing, MI

The Department of Linguistics, and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages and the English Language Center at Michigan State University seek to hire individuals with experience in technology-based language pedagogy. One position is for an individual in Russian. These skilled individuals will form a core team of language professionals with proficiency in educational technology who can work closely together to lead hybrid and online language learning course development within the College of Arts and Letters with the ultimate goals of building courses/activities for language instruction that are oriented around ACTFL proficiency standards.

Successful candidates will have technology and language-instruction experience that support the creation of instructional materials that rely on best practices for face-to-face and technology-based instruction. The candidates’ responsibilities will include language instruction and close collaboration with MSU’s Center for Language Teaching Advancement (CeLTA) and other language-teaching faculty in developing hybrid or online language courses and/or supporting the technology efforts of the language curriculum.

Candidates should have at least an MA degree in an appropriate field and significant experience teaching languages in technology-enhanced settings. In addition, native or demonstrated near-native fluency in Russian is required. Qualifications also include strong experience developing and teaching hybrid and/or online language courses and, preferably, research in a related field.

This position will begin August 16, 2013 and is for a two-year academic appointment with the possibility of renewal. Rank will be dependent on qualifications.

Applications must be submitted electronically via the MSU Human Resources website Posting: #7243

Applicants should submit a cover letter describing relevant experience, a current CV, samples of materials developed for an online environment, and the names and email addresses of 2 referees who will be contacted automatically by email for their letter of recommendation.

Review of applications will begin February 4, 2013 and will continue until the positions are filled.

For more information contact the search committee chair:
Dr. Jason Merrill,
Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages,
619 Red Cedar Road,
B-467 Wells Hall,
Michigan State University,
East Lansing, MI 48824-1027

Persons with disabilities have the right to request and receive reasonable accommodation. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. MSU is committed to achieving excellence through cultural diversity. The university actively encourages applications and/or nominations of women, persons of color, veterans, and persons with disabilities.

Posted on January 17, 2013.