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Lecturer in Russian Literature and/or Culture

Hebrew University of Jerusalem - Jerusalem, Israel

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HU) plans to establish a new tenure or tenure-track position in Russian literature and/or culture in the Division of Russian and Eastern European Studies, Department of Central and Eastern European Cultures during 2013-2014.

The position may be adjusted for a young promising scholar at the tenure-track (Lecturer, Senior Lecturer), as well as for a candidate with an established international reputation (Associate Professor, Professor). We are interested in the widest possible international competition in order to choose the best candidate, with research excellence as the main criterion.

The candidate will be expected to teach a wide range of courses in Russian literature and culture to undergraduates and graduates (six academic hours per week usually structured as three one-and-a-half hour long meetings per week). During the first two years all teaching may be in English and/or Russian. The candidate is expected to deliver courses in Hebrew starting from his/her third year of teaching at the HU.

Since we wish to give the candidate the opportunity to get acquainted with the HU and learn about local conditions firsthand, we strongly encourage those who consider applying for this position to spend first a period (from a semester to a year) at the HU as a Visiting Fellow. It is possible to apply for one of these or both fellowships:

Lady Davis Foundation:
Golda Meir Fellowship:

You can also check if these are relevant for you:

Martin Buber Society of Fellows (for Israeli or German citizens):
Mandel Scholars (Jewish Studies):

About the HU. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is a leading multidisciplinary institution of higher education and research, which attracts scholars and students from all over the world. The University is justly proud of its position at the cutting edge of the natural sciences and humanities. Its researchers publish widely in leading international scientific and scholarly journals, conduct collaborative research projects with noted scholars from other countries, and compete successfully for research grants from international and national funding sources (NIH, DFG, EU, Human Frontier, ERC, Howard Hughes, ISF).

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem has been ranked among the top universities in the world in two comprehensive surveys conducted by The Times Higher Education Supplement of London and Shanghai University. In The Times listings of the world’s 100 top universities in specific academic fields, the Hebrew University was ranked 43rd place in the arts and humanities; 44th in the social sciences, 52nd in science, and 63rd in biomedicine. Shanghai University ranked the Hebrew University 65th from among 1000 institutions surveyed. Funding of more than $107 million supports 4,500 research projects in progress. Within the framework of these projects, 45% of all the student body (24,000) are graduate students working toward advanced degrees.

The University has educated and trained thousands of students—in 2009, 28% of all doctoral candidates in Israel are enrolled at the Hebrew University. Six Nobel Prize recipients belong to HU faculty or alumni. The Faculty of the Humanities is ranked higher than any other Faculty of the HU (see above). Its academic community is outstandingly international; the majority of the faculty is graduates of the most prestigious universities in Europe and the US.

In addition, the Division of Russian and East European Studies at the Department of Central and Eastern European Cultures (previously, the Department of Russian and Slavic Studies) has been home, during the last three decades, to such prominent scholars of language, literature and history as Moshe Altbauer, Viktor Levin, Wolf Moskovich, Moshe Taube (linguistics and palaeoslavica), Lazar Fleishman, Omri Ronen, Samuel Schwarzband, Dmitry Segal, Ilya Serman, Roman Timenchik, Helena Tolstoy, Michael Weisskopf (literature), Jonathan Frankel, Theodore Friedgut, Ezra Mendelsohn (history), and others.

Our graduates and former colleagues teach at Brown, Cornell, Michigan, Penn, Stanford, Sorbonne, and other renowned schools.

Posted on October 19, 2011.