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Lecturer, Academic Writing/Communications in Russian

New Economic School - Moscow, Russia

The New Economic School (Moscow, Russia) invites applications for a Lecturer position in a new writing and communications center, beginning September 2011.

We are opening this position in conjunction with the launch of a new BA program in Economics, which will have a strong liberal arts component.

The Lecturer will work with students on development of writing and oral presentation skills in Russian.
Responsibilities will include individual work with students, collaboration with other instructors to integrate a writing component into social sciences courses, and teaching in the candidate’s specialty.
The position will include similar work in our MA in Economics program.

We are looking for an innovative teacher who can help
us develop a writing across curriculum approach, collaborating closely with faculty across the fields. Expected workload is equivalent to two courses per term, plus advising and administrative duties. We seek an ambitious candidate who is interested in the opportunity to help us shape and build a new Writing and Communications Center.

At the time of employment, candidate should have an M.A or Ph.D. in Rhetoric/Composition, Linguistics, or Russian Literature, or a related field, as well as sufficient experience in teaching writing and a strong commitment to teaching undergraduates in the liberal arts tradition. Native-level proficiency in Russian is expected.

Review of applications begins November 1, 2010 and will continue until the position is filled. The salary will be comparable to that offered by US institutions for similar positions.

Candidates should submit their CV, a personal statement explaining their qualifications, teaching philosophy, plus three letters of recommendation and a writing sample. Send these materials as email attachments to

Dr. Igor Fedyukin,
Coordinator of the Languages Search Committee
at ifedyukin@nes.ru.

We expect to interview candidates at the MLA convention in Los Angeles in January 2011. For early applicants, it will be possible to arrange interview at the ASEEES (formerly AAASS) convention in Los Angeles in November 2010. We will also consider telephone or videoconference interviews.

The NES, the leading center of economics research in Russia and Eastern Europe, is an independent research-intensive institution of higher education in Moscow. Most of our faculty members hold US or European doctorates, and the classes are taught both
in English and Russian. We attract visiting scholars from many fields who contribute to a stimulating intellectual atmosphere and cross-disciplinary projects.

NES faculty members collaborate closely with counterparts in Moscow’s other leading social
sciences and humanities research centers. Additional information about the NES can be found at www.nes.ru/ru/programs/ba/.

The New Economic School is an equal opportunity employer. All qualified candidates will be considered, irrespective of nationality.

Posted on November 04, 2010.