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Lectureship in Russian Literature and Culture

Cambridge University - Cambridge, UK

Vacancy Reference No: GR08194 Salary: бё36,862-бё46,696

The Department of Slavonic Studies is seeking to appoint a full-time, permanent University Lecturer from
1 October 2011, or as soon as possible thereafter. This post has been created thanks to the generosity of the Isaac Newton Trust. The post-holder will contribute
to the teaching of the undergraduate tripos in Russian, delivering lectures on Russian literature and culture, and to the teaching of the M.Phil in Russian studies.

S/he will also be expected to undertake undergraduate language teaching, assist in Tripos examinations,
supervise MPhil and PhD students, if appropriate, and play an active role in the further development of the curriculum.

The successful candidate will hold a PhD, and will have a record of research and publication (or clear evidence of potential publication), in a field of Russian literature and/or culture, and the promise of making an outstanding contribution to the Department of Slavonic

Applications will be considered in any area of Russian
studies, from the earliest times until the present, although the ability to teach one or more of the following may be an advantage:

1. pre-Modern culture;
2. contemporary culture;
3. Russian and Soviet history.
4. Native or excellent non-native command of Russian and English is essential.

Applications can be made by completing form CHRIS 6 form (available at www.admin.cam.ac.uk/offices/hr/forms/chris6), a cover letter, a detailed curriculum vitae including a list of publications, a statement on your research interests, and the names and addresses of
three referees who are familiar with your work in the relevant field.

Application materials should be sent by the closing date of 13 June 2011, either by post to:

Secretary of the Appointments Committee,
Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages,
Sidgwick Avenue,
Cambridge CB3 9DA

OR by e-mail to jobs@mml.cam.ac.uk.

You are requested to ask your referees to write directly by the same date. You are welcome to seek further information by contacting Dr Emma Widdis, Head of
Department, e-mail: ekw1000@cam.ac.uk

Further particulars can be found at www.mml.cam.ac.uk/jobs/slavlec_fps.pdf

Shortlisted candidates for the post will be notified by Friday 17th June.

Interviews are likely to be held in the week beginning June 27th 2011.

The interview will involve candidates giving a short lecture of 20 minutes to a mixed group of graduate students and members of the Department, and a short sample language class, prior to the interview

The appointment is subject to the satisfactory completion of a probationary period of one year.

Closing date: 13 June 2011.

Planned Interview dates: week commencing 27 June 2011.

Posted on May 13, 2011.