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Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Russian Studies

Lewis and Clark College - Portland, OR

The LEWIS & CLARK COLLEGE Department of Foreign Languages invites applications for a Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Russian Studies beginning Fall 2011. Preferred teaching fields include Russian as a Second Language and specialization in one of the following areas: Jewish Studies, Gender Studies, Post-Soviet Studies or Film Studies.

The Mellon Fellowship position has the possibility of being converted into a replacement for sabbatical leave in the 2012-2013 academic year. Potential for excellent teaching and research at an undergraduate institution are essential.

The teaching load in the 2011-2012 academic year will be three courses, one of which is a Russian language course. The two other courses will be taught in English: a Russian topics course in the fall semester and a section of "Exploration & Discovery," a general-education first-year seminar in the spring semester. The position requires near-native or native fluency in Russian and English and a Ph.D. degree in hand by the time of application.

A complete application must include
(1) a curriculum vita;
(2) a letter of application, which includes a statement of educational philosophy, teaching experience and research interest;
(3) a sample syllabus for an undergraduate course in the area of the candidate's specialization; and
(4) three letters of recommendation sent under separate cover.

Candidates are urged to submit their application by mail or electronically by Dec. 30 in anticipation of preliminary interviews at the AATSEEL Conference in Pasadena, CA, January 6-10.

Later applications will be considered, but must be submitted by January 20, 2011.
The address is:
Tatiana Osipovich,
Foreign Languages Department,
0615 SW Palatine Hill Road,
Lewis & Clark College,
Portland, OR, 97219-7899.
E-mail address: tatiana@lclark.edu

Lewis & Clark College, an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer, is committed to preparing students for leadership in an increasingly interdependent world and affirms the educational benefits of diversity.
See http://www.lclark.edu/dept/about/diversity.html
We encourage applicants to explain how their teaching at Lewis & Clark might contribute to a learning community that values diversity.

Posted on December 08, 2010.