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Visiting Lecturer in Russian language, literature, and culture

University of Vermont - Burlington, VT

The Department of German and Russian at the University of Vermont invites applications for a Visiting
Lecturer position in Russian language, literature, and culture to begin in the fall semester of 2011. The semester starts on August 21, 2011.

Candidates with PhD in hand preferred, although ABD candidates will be considered. Successful candidates are expected to have native/near native fluency in Russian
and English. Applicants must demonstrate a strong interest and experience in language teaching at all
levels of Russian language including an ability to teach survey courses in literature and culture. Teaching
load is four courses per semester.

Apply online at www.uvmjobs.com. Search for position using department name (German & Russian) only. Candidates should send a letter of application, a CV, three letters of recommendation, and copies of teaching evaluations. Review will begin immediately.

The University of Vermont is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer and encourages applications from women and underrepresented ethnic, racial and cultural groups and from people with disabilities.

Posted on May 16, 2011.