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Finding and Understanding Lead Data

Your Lead Portal will give you access to information about the students who have visited your booth and live event.


Logging In:

To access the portal, please click on the link in your email from GoToCollege Fairs or simply go to this page.

You have a log in and password to access the booth builder (FairStop), but technically the lead portal is a separate site from the booth builder, so there are separate logins. If you have not visited this site before, you will need to set up an account using the “New Here” box on the right:

The good news is you can use the same email and even password as you used for the booth building account, so when you come back you don’t have to remember which account is which. (I know there are a lot of accounts involved. I’ve tried to parse them all on a help page here).

Please note -only the person listed as your main contact person will have access to the lead data. Even if other booth users can sign up and log in, they won’t see anything. If you need to update your lead contact person, please email me. If you have lost this email I’m pretty sure you can just go here to log in or sign up. Let me know if that doesn’t work. 

Once you log in:

1. Click on “AATSEEL Virtual Open Houses” as the event (you may have several events listed if your school has used GTCF in the past). 

2. You will see two types of leads: Matchmaking and “Included Scanning.” The Matchmaking leads are a result of the Matchmaking survey questions you and students filled out when you registered. That will give you a list of the students whose interests/preferences align with USC as an institution. Your list of matched students includes all students who register, regardless of whether they ever log back in and look at your booth (this does happen; we’re all very busy!) The Included Scanning leads are the ones generated when students actually interact with the Fair. Any student that visits your booth or attends your live event will be on this list. Maybe they didn’t match with you through the survey questions, or maybe they did. But this list of students includes only those ones who had some interaction with your materials. It’ll be a smaller list, but more actively engaged.

3. Click on the number of attendees for either type.

4. You can see some information here, but for full details (including student email addresses), you want to download the Excel or CSV file. Those have columns for student names, addresses, email addresses, and how exactly they’ve interacted with your booth. (Did they visit, did they download something, did they click one of your links, did they attend your live presentation? Please see GoToCollegeFair’s Understanding Lead Data for details.)


What do I do with this information?

We absolutely recommend reaching out to the students who visited your live presentation with a brief note saying it was nice to meet them and offering to answer questions/send more information. You can search in the Excel document for “Presentation” to find all of the students who visited. Make a note of their email addresses, and write them a short note.
If you want to contact additional students, we would next recommend reaching out to students to the other students in your “Included Scanning” list, who visited your booth. You are also welcome to contact the students in your “Matchmaking” list. These are the students whose interests and preferences on FairStop’s Matchmaking service align with your institution’s features. They may be interested in your school, even though they may not have visited your booth.