Home » Setting Up Your Booth

Setting Up Your Booth

You should have received an invitation from FairStop to set up your account. If you cannot find it please email Jillian at aatseel@colorado.edu


Booth Information


  1. Log into your account at https://manager.fairstop.com/auth/login 
  2. Click the “My Booths” Tab at the top
  3. Click the second little green button to the right of our event to Edit Booth. It looks like a paper and pencil. 
  4. In the “Booth Information” Section, find the “Booth Logo” field. Click the little drop-down arrow at the right edge of the field. If your logo is already loaded into your account, you will find it in the dropdown list. If it is not, you will need to upload a .jpg logo using the dark gray box to the right of the field. 
  5. Add a description of your program or school – whatever you would like as an introduction. This is what students will see first on entering your booth. 
  6. Select the “Contact” Section on the left sidebar (under “Booth Information”)
  7. Paste your department’s homepage URL in the “Website” Field.
  8. Paste your school’s application page URL in the “Apply Now” field. 
  9. Click the gray “Save Changes” button on the left. 
  10. Select the orange “Booth Preview” box at the top right to see how your booth will look with this information. Adjust as you wish. 


Booth Materials (Media Library)


To populate your booth, you will need to first load things into the Media Library. If your school has participated in fairs through FairStop before, there may already be files, links, and videos in your Library, which you are free to use, but you will likely want to add materials of your own. I’ve made a short video about how to do that here, or follow the instructions below: 


To Add Files (.jpg, .pdf, .docx, etc. No video files)


  1. Click the “My Media Library” tab at the top of the screen and select Files
  2. Click the turquoise Select Files box at the top right
  3. Select which file you would like to upload. You will see the file name beside the Select Files box. 
  4. Click Upload File. You will see a green box pop up at the top right corner with a message that your file has successfully been uploaded.
  5. Refresh the page to see your file in the list.
  6. Your school may already have files loaded in the Media Library – you are welcome to use them too! 


To Add Links: 


  1. Click the “My Media Library” tab at the top of the screen and select Links
  2. Click the gray “Create Link” box at the top right
  3. Enter a display name for your link (eg. Department Homepage, Admissions Homepage, Scholarships Info, Study Abroad) and paste the URL into the appropriate field.
  4. Click the gray “Save Changes” button on the left. 


To Add Videos (.mp4s etc). 


  1. Videos must first be uploaded to YouTube or Vimeo. Both are free to use and easy to navigate. If you have trouble with this please email Jillian at aatseel@colorado.edu
  2. Make sure your settings are “Public.”
  3. In YouTube or Vimeo, copy the “share” link to your video. 
  4. Log into your booth builder account at https://manager.fairstop.com/auth/login 
  5. Click the “My Media Library” Tab at the top of the screen and select Video. 
  6. Click the gray “Create Video” button at the top right.
  7. Enter a display name for your video
  8. Select YouTube or Vimeo from the dropdown arrow in the Video Source field.
  9. Paste the URL from YouTube or Vimeo.
  10. If you get an error message that the link is not valid, try deleting the “?share=copy” stuff from the end of it. Your link should end in numerals. Email Jillian if you have any trouble. 
  11. Click the gray “Save Changes” button on the left sidebar. 


Now that your materials are in the Media Library, it is very simple to add them to your booth.


Add Materials to Booth


  1. Go back to the “My Booths” tab at the top of the screen
  2. Click the second little green button to the right of our event to Edit Booth. It looks like a paper and pencil. 
  3. Select the “Media” Section in the left sidebar (under Contact)


  1. In the Videos section, click “Add Video.”
  2. Use the drop down arrow at the far right of the field that appears to pull up a list of available videos
  3. Select your desired video.
  4. If you’d like to add additional videos, click the “Add Video” button again and repeat.


  1. In the Links section, click “Add Link”
  2. Use the drop down arrow at the far right of the field that appears to pull up a list of available links
  3. Select your desired link.
  4. If you’d like to add additional links, click the “Add Link” button again and repeat.


  1. In the Documents section, click “Add Document.”
  2. Use the drop down arrow at the far right of the field to pull up a list of available files. 
  3. Select the desired file. 
  4. If you’d like to add additional files, click the “Add Document” button again and repeat.


Finishing your Booth


  1. Click the orange “Booth Preview” button at the top right to preview. This will show you what your booth will look like to students. 
  2. If you want to make changes, you can reorder the videos, links and files by dragging them.
  3. When you’re done adding and arranging materials, be sure to click the gray “Save Changes” button on the left sidebar!